Thursday, October 11, 2007

Finally back

Well if anyone ever reads this, I hope they are glad to see that I am back. I have updated my pic and plan to post more often. I need to get back to my writing again. It is so good for me, but yet its so hard to make time for.

I just got a new Jason Upton CD today. I am so loving it right now. I am just listening and fighting the urge to break down and weep. I have been so dry spiritually lately. Seems so sad that my last post was on the "mountain of God" and now I am back in the valley. Isn't that just like life though?

I want to share what God is doing in my life cause I know HE has good things for me and I just need to draw near to Him and He will draw near to me. He is always with me. I am so thankful for that. If there is one thing I will never forget, its what a pastor told me a long time ago. He could sense I was wandering from God and told me that God is always as near as from your knees to the ground. Get down and pray and He is there. We feel so far away in our busy lives. We get so stressed and feel like life is so hopeless. SOOOO overwhelming at times.... I am sure you have been there. But the answer is so close. All we have to do is pray, seek HIM, worship HIM.

Just an encouraging word to light the way for you today. I will write more later.

God Bless You.
Let me know if there is anything I can pray for you about.

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