Thursday, October 12, 2006

God Stops

In our Bible study "Believing God" by Beth Moore she has us do 5 lessons during the week. In our study time at home we have a part at the end called "God Stops". This is where we are to record our encounters with GOD during the day. If there is a time that you see God working in your life in a uniquely supernatural way, you are encouraged to record that encounter. The purpose is obviously to get us to start noticing how God is working in our lives.

I had a great one this week. I would like others to post theirs here if they feel so moved. I want to collect these stories. I think it builds our faith when we see God working in our lives and the lives of others around us.

So, Tuesday I open an email from a friend and I was immediately offended at the comment made by this person. I was not sure if it was a joke or they meant to be rude. I steamed about it for awhile as I read my other emails. I was ready to respond to his email with rudeness. Before I wrote that reply I read my devotional and it was talking about building bridges and not walls. It said that when we are offended we have the chance to retaliate with rudeness and show our indignation and build up walls, OR we can choose to build bridges and in my case just not say anything. I stopped. God totally stopped me from replying to what I perceived as rudeness. He has told me to be a friend to this person even though I have many times where he has hurt me. I forgive him and though I do not hold a grudge I am guarded. I don't want to allow his hurtful words to make bitterness in me.

And so I did day 5 of our study and we are told about being offended with GOD. Now I wondered what that meant. Then I realized. If God does not answer our prayers the way we want we are tempted to be hurt and not want to trust Him in the future. We may even decide NOT to pray for something because we don't want to be disapointed. That is not what God would have us do. He is God and though we don't always understand why he does things the way he does, we trust that He is God and that we are not.

So that is what I have learned this week. It has been profound on me. I could elaborate more but I need to spend some time with my dear hubby and daughter.

Please if you are reading this and want to share, post your comment now. Let us all rejoice with you.

Praise God for revealing His love to us day by day, moment by moment, breath by breath.


Anonymous said...

you should consider devotional writing-you are very good at it

Stacey LaMontagne said...

Thanks, I have considered that and I just have to accumulate enough good ones. I long to be published. Check out some more of my writing at my Faithwriters link on the right. :)